By John Schenck
FOR many years, it has been recognized that turnout gear needs to be maintained in order for the firefighter to receive full benefit from the standards under which the gear was manufactured. Maintenance is required for both safety and economic reasons.
By Werner R. Haag, Ph.D., Bob Durstenfeld, Peter Fuhr, Ph.D., Peter Hsi, Ph.D., Joseph Ng
EACH year, $12.5 trillion of merchandise is traded worldwide, using more than 200 million intermodal containers. Ninety percent of these shipments are between seaports.1 Unsecured freight represents a global security threat, both in terms of potentially lost merchandise value and the crippling of the global trading economy.
By Jeff Beeler
MANY articles in safety magazines address the subject of confined space rescue, so everyone should be familiar with 1910.146 (d)(9). It states that a company entering permit-required confined spaces must: "Develop and implement procedures for summoning rescue and emergency services, for rescuing entrants from permit spaces . . . ."
By R. Craig Schroll
THIS article is intended to provide a brief overview of water supplies for fire protection and standpipe systems. It is not a code compliance article. For detailed requirements, check with your local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ).
Genetic profiling has potential, says NIOSH's director.
By Jerry Laws
I am a fan of the movie "Minority Report," in which a trio of seers visualized violent crimes before they happened. Armed with infallible foreknowledge, pre-crime police swooped down to arrest criminals who had not yet committed their crimes. Once locked away, they would never commit them.
By Valerie Weadock
Paul Dragul, M.D., is not a marriage therapist, but he often hears this complaint in his line of work. Instead of marital counseling, he recommends a hearing test and the use of ear plugs while at work.