
Safety Matters Express - August 2018

Was your last safety assessment as useful as it should have been? Are you getting the most out of your vending program? Is your PPE meeting all of your needs? Watch this month’s Safety Matters Express and make your already great safety program even better!

How to Collect a (Potentially) Combustible Dust Sample

Wondering if your facility may have combustible dust? In some cases, less than 1/4 inch layer of dust can explode or ignite. Here's a demonstration of how to collect and ship a sample to a lab for testing. Every plant, in industries including food, pharmaceutical, wood, agricultural, cosmetic, petrochem, plastics, manufacturing, and more, can be at risk. Testing is inexpensive and can help to determine which collection units are best suited to your plant. Contact us with any questions at or 630-323-8750.

"10 Years in the Industry" NATE #ClimberConversation Video

NATE's latest #ClimberConversation video highlights a tower worker's decade of service in the wireless infrastructure industry, and his views on the importance of training to work safely in the field. The #ClimberConversation video is a companion series to the association's popular #ClimberConnection campaign and is a vital component of NATE's workforce development outreach to promote the profession and attract new workers into the industry. The video, entitled "10 Years in the Industry," includes testimonial footage of a company safety director emphasizing the importance of training and discussing how much he has enjoyed his career working in such a dynamic industry.

Crash Testing an Ambulance

This video provides viewers with an understanding of full vehicle crash testing and how results impact future design and testing efforts. [NIOSH Pub. No. 2017-143-(2)]

Combustible Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA) Sample Prep and Screening at Fauske & Associates, LLC

A potential combustible dust hazard sample arrives at Fauske & Associates, LLC lab and we are ready to start the testing process. We cover how the sample arrives, focusing on examples of material sent to us that we are unable to test or sample that was shipped in a way that damaged the sample in transit. We also show the sample that has arrived in an appropriate form of packaging that ensured the safe transit of the material. Once we have received the material, it is time to prep the material for testing according to the client’s request per standards such as NFPA 652. We wrap up by showing the Explosibility Screening or Go/No Go test in the Modified Hartmann Tube and the Combustibility Screening Test of another material., 1-630-323-8750, 1-877-FAUSKE1

Mcity Showcases Connected and Automated Vehicle Technologies

Technology demonstrations at the University of Michigan's Mcity Test Facility in Ann Arbor, Mich., show how connected vehicle communications can make driverless vehicles safer.

Introduction to Microflex 93-850

Microflex® 93-850 disposable gloves allow workers in demanding environments to experience higher levels of protection. These soft, durable nitrile gloves provide 2X more chemical splash resistance than leading brands. And because they exceed the highest known standard for barrier integrity, Microflex 93-850 gloves significantly reduce the risk of harmful exposures.

Grainger Presents: The Language of Safety

In this Grainger Safety Story, industry veteran Carl Heinlein gives the next generation of safety leaders insight into the value of safety management systems and the power of policy. Hear how he thinks the profession will develop and learn what it really means to have a passion for your profession.

Honeywell Industrial Cyber Security Center of Excellence, Middle East

The center of excellence shown in this 2018 video is located in Dubai and is a demonstration of Honeywell’s commitment to addressing the industrial cyber security needs of customers in the Middle East region. The state-of-the-art facility will strengthen regional industrial cyber security preparedness by providing a safe environment to test process control network vulnerabilities and training customers through real-time attack simulations.

Speakman Facility Survey Program

Is your workplace compliant with national codes and standards? If it's not, or even if you're unsure, we invite you to take part in Speakman’s new Facility Survey Program - a complimentary service where we'll send a certified representative to conduct a detailed evaluation of your entire worksite.

Artificial Intelligence
